
The poems in this program constitute a significant sample of the Spanish and Hispanic-American lyricism, with outstanding names coming from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, transformed into music by great composers.

In 1769, Herder already made reference to Ut musica poesis (as is music, so is poetry), in a conversion of the Horatian axiom of Ut pictura poesis. James Beattie, in 1776, concluded that “Poetry is the most immediate and most accurate interpreter of music. Poetry or language would be necessary to improve sensitivity into a real emotion. When the singer takes up the same air and applies words to it, all uncertainty vanishes, the fancy is filled with determinate ideas and determinate emotions take possession of the heart”.

The adequation of the music to the text achieves the aggrandizement of the resonances of rhymes. The melody, which is extracted from the sensitive conditions of the language by poets, obtains its counterpoint in the musical composition that surrounds it. The result produces a profound impression on the listener, and it is a magnificent way of bringing poetry to a great number of people that will be able to attain this rich heritage of our poetic and musical repertoire.

The list of authors of texts is composed by the most outstanding poets in Spanish language, like Gonzalo de Berceo, Alfonso X the Wise, Antonio Machado, García Lorca or Bécquer. The Galician language is represented by its distinguished poetess Rosalía de Castro, the Catalan language by Joan Salvat Papasseit and Tomàs Garcés and the Basque poetry by Xabier Lete. From the other side of the Atlantic Ocean there are poems by Gabriel García Márquez, Jorge Luís Borges and Mario Benedetti.


Quiero fer una prosa…….……….Gonzalo de Berceo / Julen Ezkurra
Cantares.......................................Antonio Machado / Joan Manuel Serrat
Señor, me cansa la vida...............Antonio Machado / José Antonio García
Alfonsina y el mar…………….…..Félix Luna / Ariel Ramírez
Zorongo........................................Federico García Lorca
Maitia nun zira..............................Jose Uruñuela
Xalbadorren heriotzean................Xabier Lete / Julen Ezkurra (harm.)
Cançó de comiat………………….Tomàs Garcés / Eduard Toldrà
Dona’m la ma…………………..…Joan Salvat Papaseit / Josep Crivillé
Negra sombra.............................. Rosalía de Castro / Xoan Montes
Vamos bebendo…………………..Rosalía de Castro
Jacinto Chiclana...........................Jorge Luís Borges / Astor Piazzolla
Se equivocó la paloma.................Rafael Alberti / Carlos Guastavino
A tu lado…………………………..Matías A. Mena / Javier Busto
Te quiero......................................Mario Benedetti / Alberto Favero
Amiga mía................................... Gabriel García Márquez / Julen Ezkurra