
In Spanish, the word for Christmas (Navidad) comes from Nativitas, which means birth in Latin. The 25th December was established by the Church since the year 345, although the date of the birth of Christ has never been documented. Such a setting in a day of December implies multiple festive manifestations in the typical celebrations of this period of the year, which are conditioned by the climatology of each geographical area and the cultural heritage of each country.

In the recent years, the Christmas season has been transformed into something clearly differentiated from a religious festivity; it is rather an opportunity for family reunions, traveling, exchanging presents and having abundant meals. The decorative details, the lights and the typical songs remind us, weeks ahead, that we are getting closer to the beginning of winter. These typical songs are the ones which provoke a flicker of nostalgia and tenderness, even in those who do not especially enjoy these celebrations.

This program gathers the traditional Christmas songs from lots of countries in several languages (Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Basque, German, French, English and Latin). It also includes a sample of the Ibero-American folklore. It is possible to discover, in all the works, the rhythmic contrasts and the harmonic twists that are characteristic in the diverse cultural production of countries like Argentina, Peru and Venezuela.


Joia en el món ……………………………………………………………..G.F. Haendel
Cantique de Noël………………………………………………………….A. Adam / Harm F. Bonastre
Falade ben baixo………………………………………………………….Harm F. Bonastre
Huayno de Navidad……………………………………………………….J. Ezkurra
Alegres pregonan………………………………………………………….V. Sojo / Harm. J. Ezkurra
Dadme albrícias……………………………………………………………Cancionero de Upsala
Tu scendi dalle stelle……………………………………………………...S.A.M. de Liguori
Ator, ator……………………………………………………………………Harm F Bonastre – J. Ezkurra
Adeste fideles………………………………………………………………Harm F. Bonastre
Dieu te dit…………………………………………………….…………..A. Honneger / Harm F. Bonastre
Campana sobre campana………………………………………………..Harm F. Bonastre
Stille Nacht…………………………………………………………..F.X. Gruber / Harm F. Bonastre
Fum, Fum, Fum…………………………………………………………….Harm F. Bonastre
White Christmas………………………………………………………….Irving Berlin